Monday, August 22, 2011

New mobiles and what the future will hold

Are you on-the-art technology, and need the next release of new mobiles offered the masses? Then you might be a techno-junkie, or uber-geek, and should quickly inventing a twelve step program that will help you in your lifestyle. Your Palms are sweaty currently only think of getting your hot hands on the iPhone 5 when it is released next year and as a backup of you scan the Internet looking for new constantly associated gadgets that you can add your current smart cell. Well cellular manufacturers of the world salute you and implore you to never stop, because this is the new addiction for many young adults today.

The only way in which the cell makers can continue their activities is by constantly upgrading the whole world with new mobiles which is likely to improve their quality of life in one way or another. If it were not for the small screens on smart phones, older masses of consumers to join in this frenzy, and feed costs. Clone computer industry of the 1980s and 1990s were moneymakers, but has long been surpassed by the world's mobile phone. Ironically, they have not completely removed the personal computer as of yet from the market and replaced it with a hot-pluggable mobile phone that replaces all functionality.

What is missing in these super geeked out communicators today? The ability to fire harmful laser, ground penetrating radar and ability to x-ray everything you point it out so far, but it will, and soon. Please note that you will soon be able to x-ray yourself or a family member and email the picture to your general practitioner for an online quick check up. Not long thereafter, the ability to control his alcohol in the blood, blood pressure and other vital diagnostic characters.

It would not be surprising if the new BlackBerry mobile phones and other policy makers need GPS application for use in law enforcement for tracking parolees and take instant drug test at will in the not to distant future. Talk about big brother is watching, and you will have to pay for this invasion of privacy on top of it all. Who knows what the future will hold for the new mobiles, which we can become prisoners of our technical desires in no time flat. Meanwhile, the advancing smart products, and allow the gap of our personal integrity to be discharged, the slow, but effective.

By visiting this new mobiles site for more information about new mobiles to have made a good decision.

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