In almost every relationship you should have a partner who is suspicious of the other party and will begin to espionage. If you believe that your spouse is spying on you need to take a look at these common methods people use to spy on their partners.
1. credit cards and mobile phone bills:
The spouses will snoop on each other by methodically go over the credit card bills, cell phone bills and carefully review ever phone call and every financial transaction, looking for signs of fraud.
2. Telephone tape recording:
It is very easy to buy a voice activate digital tape recorder from an electronics store. Some can record up to 24 hours. You can leave one in a car or place or attach to a phone to record all conversations.
3. Computer key loggers:
It is very easy these days to download key logging software to record every keystroke typed on a keyboard. This information is compiled and via e-mail to snooping make up to 10 times a day. Certain key loggers can be installed remotely via email.
4. Online infidelity investigation:
This is where a suspicious spouse will take their partner e-mail address and to trace this back to secret personal ads on dating online services.This type of investigation can be extended to Porn sites, escort service locations and even Internet gaming sites.
5. your computer Hard Drive Forensics:
Often becomes a family-utilities over the hard drive to recover deleted emails, browser history, and deleted the pics. In some cases years can a value of incriminating deleted data is restored from a computer hard drive.
6. mobile phone Forensics:
This is where you take a mobile phone and restore deleted text messages, call logs, pics, and other data from a mobile phone.On some phones model iPhone, you can restore up to two years ' worth location tracking information. This is considered today to be the best resource for all of the examiner investigate infidelity.
7 access Search survey:
Many times an asset Search survey to discover hidden resources, secret bank accounts and even vehicle or real property that a spouse is completely oblivious to. This is a sign of infidelity or an ongoing divorce.
If you believe that your spouse is spying on you, you can contact a p.i. specializing in counter surveillance and hacking computer investigations. many times, they can detect signs of computer hacking, central logging or illegal telephone tapping.
Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman surveys Inc
Ed Opperman is Pres for Opperman surveys Inc. If you suspect that someone is reading your e-mail messages, you need a hack email account investigation. Visit find or identify hacker.
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