Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What could be the background operations from an iPhone also deleted text messages?

Many clients find a cellular forensic consultant because they want to recover deleted text messages. usually due to suspicions of infidelity in a spouse, lover. But they do not realise the large amount of evidence that can be restored from an iPhone, except only deleted text messages. This article shows what can be restored to aid in your infidelity investigation.

1. location tracking

Older versions of iPhone can retain up to two years of site tracking information. You can in principle obtain data that will detail that the drive was previously.

2. website addresses

This is like getting the browser history on your home computer or lap top. It may be valuable evidence of a Pornographic or gambling addiction. It can reveal membership of online dating websites, escort services etc


This may of course reveal the name and address of the person cheating with clients, her husband. It can also show rendezvous spots which restaurants or Motels.

4 Notes

The notes section of the iPhone may contain directions, addresses, phone numbers, gambling information, debt, appointments or dates. A lot of information can be found in this overlooked feature in iPhone.

5. Calendar

This may include the date, the other woman's birthday, anniversaries ...

6. the text, SMS

Texts or SMS may contain some damning evidence of infidelity, dug or gambling addiction, theft or other inappropriate activity. You will see the actual content of text messages.

7. Images

For the unfaithful husband, this is usually their downfall, most of the cheats can not fail to take pictures of her lover. Many will delete pics in an attempt to cover their tracks.

8. voice mail

Voice mail can be stored and retrieved from the internal memory of the iPhone. Most phones doesn't store the voice mail.

9. detailed call logs

This will include service call history that contains the phone number, duration, times and dates of calls made and received.

10. Contacts

Here you will find the name and phone number in contacts. Could be a boyfriend, girlfriend, bookmaker or drug dealers.

Most clients who are seeking a forensic data recovery service dedicated to read deleted text messages but as you can see, there are a lot more information available. There may be other data recovered, but this is a list of the most common recovery deleted information. As you can see, it goes much deeper than just read deleted text messages. Cell phone data recovery today is the best way to recreate and document evidence of wrongdoing. If it is adultery, drug abuse, theft, gambling or just confirming a person trips and tracking pints placement.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman surveys Inc

Ed Opperman Chair Opperman surveys Inc., he is considered an expert on computer and your cell phone forensics.For more information about how you restore deleted text messages and pictures click here now: === http://www.emailrevealer.com>

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